Congregational Conversations

Congregational Conversations

By St. Peter's Church

Date and time

Sunday, August 3, 2014 · 12:30 - 2:30pm EDT


St. Peter's Parish House

313 Pine Street Philadelphia, PA 19106


This spring the clergy and vestry of Saint Peter’s will initiate a strategic planning process. We are considering how we might prepare for the future and better fulfill the needs of our parishioners and community. We are exploring how we might further our mission—to know the transforming power of God’s love and to make God’s love known to others. Our current plan (2009-2012) affirms the vestry’s intent to construct a new building in order to carry out our mission. Action on this was delayed to “Raise the Roof.” Nonetheless, the vestry’s intention has remained constant. The clergy and vestry are now eager to share some of the ideas they have developed, discuss the opportunities these will enable, and to hear of the hopes, concerns and dreams of all parishioners.

The fruitfulness of our efforts depends upon the extent to which everyone in the congregation participates. Thus, we anticipate several opportunities in the coming year to gather in conversation. The first such opportunity is over the next few months.. At each meeting, Ledlie and Claire will explain the first steps the church and vestry have taken in anticipation of the construction of a new building on St. Peter’s campus and the opportunities this will provide.

Lunch or supper provided. Meetings will be limited to 20 attendees. Please register in advance to participate. Childcare will be provided upon request. For more information or to register by phone, please contact Kate Randall at 215-925-5968 or


Richard Fitzgerald, Rector’s Warden

The Rev. Ledlie I. Laughlin, Rector

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